I don't know about any of you, but I feel like the hardest day of my week is Mondays!
Its about 6:00 pm here and I just realized...it's still Monday. I still have the rest of the week to get through....sigh....No matter if I have the whole day planned and everything is great, I still remember that the rest of the week has to happen til I can get to the weekend. Another day that I have a hard time with is Thursdays...they are like a teaser. (your almost to the weekend, but not quite yet..) Sometimes I forget and I think it's Friday and then I have a rude awakening,.... nope it's still Thursday. All the other days of the week are totally fine. I have no problem with them. I don't think much about Tuesdays ,but Wednesdays is the half way mark..this gives me hope that the weekend is near. Fridays are one of my favorite days....I can plan a date with my husband, or I can have a night where I don't have to worry about doing anything that I don't want to do the next day. It's the night where I know I can sleep and actually get a great nights rest. Saturdays are just fun. I have my family with me and usually everyones spirits are up. We can do whatever we choose on this day, like spend time with friends, or have another date night with my husband. The choices are limitless. (with the exception of the cost of things) Sunday's are great because it's the day that I can rest from EVERYTHING. It's a day that I know I will have a spiritual uplift. Sundays are the most relaxing day of the week.
And then your back to Mondays.....and so my life goes on but I know certain days makes life just a tad easier to deal with. How about any of you??